Foundation Enrolments

Enrolment for Foundation 2019 is now open.  If your child will turn 5 before April 30th 2019 they are eligible to enrol for Foundation at Darlington Primary School.  School tours are conducted on Tuesdays at 9.30am or can be arranged by appointment.  Please contact the school office to arrange tour.

Enrolments are subject to living within our Neighbourhood Boundary and must be accompanied by the following :

  • child's birth certificate
  • immunisation certificate
  • current utility bill (either power or gas account)


DET Enrolment Management Policy entails a specific order of priority for enrolments

  • Students residing within the designated neighbourhood area as defined on the school’s neighbourhood boundary map.
  • Students residing at the same address as an older sibling who is attending the school
  • If additional places are available – the following criteria applies :
  • Other students from outside the designated area, in order of closeness of the home to the school.
  • In exceptional circumstances, students may be enrolled where there are significant extenuating family or individual circumstances.

Student Enrolment Form

Neighbourhood Boundary